Kiel Figgins  -  Character Animator

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Dreadnought - Title card Previs

Title cards are tricky, since they need to be short, convey a lot and stand out in some way. Combined with whatever time or resource constraints you may have, things can get a bit stacked. For this particular project, I was given a lot of creative freedom at the start to come up with a bunch of ideas to get the ball rolling while the client selects where still being ironed out. When I'm given this sort of opportunity, I try to swing for the fences and not worry so much about the 'how' or the 'how much would this cost?' (all within reason of course), but instead, try to find fun ideas that I personally would like to see or appeal to me as a consumer.

You can see the progression of the variants to a more solidified idea, until the final rendered version.